Digital Library North

My Role: Research Assistant (July 2014-August 2014)

Responsibilities included overseeing initial research ethics board application, including development of data collection procedures and interview scripts, and designing the project website. While the website has been revised extensively over time as the project has progressed, the original design and content is still available here.

Status: My involvement with this project has concluded.

Summary for “Digital Library North: Creating a path for information access in Canada’s north”

In Canada’s North access to information has been limited by the lack of high speed communications infrastructure and relevant digital information sources. With improved connectivity in the Mackenzie Valley and the Inuvialuit Settlement Region (ISR), the development of a digital library to support digital content delivery within this region is becoming more practical and pressing. The objective of the Digital Library North project is to create a digital library infrastructure to address the information needs in Canada’s northern regions.

Project is ongoing. For additional information, contact:

Principal Investigator: Dr. Ali Shiri, School of Library and Information Studies, University of Alberta
Co-investigator: Dr. Dinesh Rathi, School of Library and Information Studies, University of Alberta

Projected timeline


For further details and updates, please visit the project website at:


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